The Management Competency Assessments
The Management Assessments of Proficiency—MAP®2
There is no better assessment of management competence available than The Managerial Assessments of Proficiency—MAP2. MAP2 is a video-based, objective assessment of a manager’s proficiency in 12 fundamental competencies and 10 styles/values.
In 11 video episodes, Bill Taylor and his team of four supervisors exhibit a range of 12 key managerial Competency Assessments as they simulate what happens during a typical workweek. Participants can see parallels from their own experience base as they evaluate the actions of Taylor and his coworkers.
Upon completion of the assessments participants receive a proficiency profile of mastery in the 12 fundamental managerial competencies and ratings for 10 communication, personal, and managerial styles/values. MAP2 provides individuals and organizations with an objective and detailed listing of those learning opportunities with the greatest potential impact on managerial performance.
Well-grounded in research, over 100,000 managers worldwide have experienced this video-based simulation.
Flexible Delivery
The MAP2 assessments is available in both online and instructor-led formats. Managing to Excel2 training modules are available for each competency in customizable, half-day facilitated workshops.
Organizations have the flexibility and options available to customize training to meet internal needs. With MAP2 and Excel2 a complete management development solution is available that will improve organizational performance, while saving training dollars.